SpO2 Sensor Placement & Monitoring Tips
Locate well-perfused areas of the body with the least amount of fur and with the least pigmentation possible (pink tissue), avoiding areas mixed with light and dark pigmentation.
Best site: tongue
Best alternative sites: rectum and ear
Other alternative sites: lip fold (watch for dark pigment spots), toe web, skin folds, vulva, nasal septum
►Relocate the sensor frequently (every 30 minutes) for best readings and to prevent skin deterioration
►Do not place the sensor on extremities with an arterial catheter, IV catheter or blood pressure cuff
►If the sensor does not track the pulse reliably, it may be incorrectly positioned – or the sensor site may be too thick, thin or deeply pigmented to permit appropriate light transmission. Remove the sensor from the patient; close the jaws of the sensor allowing tips to touch for several seconds and in order to ‘reset’ the signal; place the sensor in a new spot
►If the sensor site is too thin or too dry it may cause unstable measurements (especially the tongue) – try wrapping the sensor site in a piece of moistened gauze with normal saline and then repositioning the sensor
► Note that very bright direct lighting, including florescent lighting, can cast shadows and interfere with sensor function. When using the tongue for SpO2 sensor placement, it may be necessary to cover the patient’s head or muzzle with a small towel or surgery drape
►To verify proper placement of the SpO2 sensor, conduct a manual pulse rate reading from another sampling site on the patient. If the sensor is placed correctly, the manual reading should correspond to the pulse rate reading displayed on the monitor
For best medical practice, to attain optimal signal acquisition and to protect patients' lives, it is recommended that all sensors and cables be replaced every six months.
Call Leading Edge Customer Support for more information on proper cleaning techniques and maintenance tips for SpO2 sensors and accessories. 1-877-897-5577